~Quote of the Day~

"NOM teh hand that fees you."


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Update on "The Golden Compass"

The Story: Read below about the stupid email I received regarding the book and movie "The Golden Compass."

My 2 Cents: Well, I've read both "The Golden Compass" and the second book in the trilogy, "The Subtle Knife." Let me tell you, they are fabulous! I just started the third book yesterday.

The second book does delve a little into what would be considered the religious realm of creationism vs. evolutionism and a little intelligent design theory for good measure....but one must remember that Christianity is NOT the only creation theory on the planet. Also, one must consider that the book is fantasy, and the setting in the book is not "our" world.

I believe that these books were designed to raise questions. In order to maintain comfort, people tend to accept whatever they are told. These books (so far) help the reader to question their realities...

A definite must-read for everyone. I'll post again on this when I've finished book three ("The Amber Spyglass").

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