~Quote of the Day~

"NOM teh hand that fees you."


Monday, November 26, 2007

News From My Brain: People Suck

The Story: Okay, well, not really a story. Just random thoughts to be inserted into my blog because I felt like it.

Anyway, I've decided I don't like people. And you don't either.

My 2 Cents: So you don't believe it? You're certain that YOU are the exception?

I beg to differ.

Case in point: Shopping at Wal-Mart on the weekend. Or the day before Thanksgiving.

Picture it: The significantly overweight mothers and fathers who brought every one of their five or more children along on their last-minute shopping trip. Those same people stop in the middle of the aisle, thereby blocking traffic in both directions....ARGH! And their CHILDREN! AaaaarrrrrgggGGGHHHH!

And then they pretend that you aren't three feet from them, trying to get a can of jumbo olives.

Finally, you say "excuse me!" Then they give you the Look of DEATH.

See? You hate them too.

And if you don't...you're probably one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I agree. By the way, I found out what a meme is. And, I tagged you for one. Tag. You're it. Info on my blog.