~Quote of the Day~

"NOM teh hand that fees you."


Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Whatever.

The Story: It's THAT time of year.

My 2 Cents: I don't care what you believe or whether we agree or not. If you are happy in your beliefs...or lack thereof, good for you!

Don't try to force them onto me.

I have plenty to do. I'm a mother, significant other, Soldier, part-time herbalist, book-addict, tea-addict, daughter, sister, friend, and a whole lot of other things. I don't have time for proselytizing, pushy fundamentalists of any background.

Don't these folks have other things to do as well? I can't help but wonder if the children of these people feel as if they are a bit neglected. As if they aren't as important as the strangers their parent pushes their beliefs onto. I mean, seriously, some of these people really put a lot of time into telling others how wrong they are!

Let's take a few examples from the media:

--The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). Known for the "God Hates Fags" movement.

--Protesters at military funerals.

--Cindy Sheehan.

--Al Sharpton and all like him.

--The ACLU and every frivolous lawsuit it brings that wastes our time and tax dollars.

So, to all of the above-named fools and those like them....Merry Whatever. I hope and pray that someday you'll get your priorities straight. Spend some time with your families...you never know what tomorrow will bring.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sgt. P,

Just commenting to let you know you do have a reader. And please keep up your comments.
I'll comment, if you'll write.

Happy New Year from Paris, France.

CP ~The Day Fobbit said...

Well, thanks for the comment :o)

Maybe someday you'll delurk and no longer be anonymous!